Art Kits for Kids

Have you lot noticed an increase in the number of fine art kits for kids? I've seen tons of them lately, from single projects to monthly subscriptions with multiple projects within. In theory, I love the idea. I know a agglomeration of parents out at that place don't want to spend a lot of time and coin to stock upwards on random art supplies when they aren't sure what to do with them.

Frankly, some of these kits are apathetic. They requite you a few cheap materials in a behemothic container, with non much room for experimentation. Needless to say, I was a little skeptical when I heard about the Eye Tin can Art cans. They looked cute and all, but how'due south a girl to know what she's getting into if she tin can't see the stuff inside?

I guess yous all are lucky we got to try them. I am hither to 1. Tell you nigh the innards, 2. Explain what yous can exercise with these items, and 3. Express my undying love for art project kits for kids that are really really well thought-out and contain quality materials. Read the review and and so you can enter to win your selection of TWO of these super-absurd kits.


When I pried open the top of the first can, and angels began to sing, I knew nosotros were in for a fun projection. Okay, all kidding aside, here'southward what happened:

I pulled out the pieces, read through the pamphlet, and we got down to it. Originally, I was just going to take Fen work on these projects, simply how tin you proceed a 3 year one-time from wanting to join in the fun? So I let Beckett make his ain projection, with help from me when he needed information technology, and he did a great task!

Christian and I may or may not accept felt compelled to make our own projects…. and the cans provide plenty of materials for multiple projects.

We started with the Collage Printmaking Kit. Both kids drew their subject matter on the included tag board: Beckett drew a face up, considering, well, he really hasn't fatigued much of anything else all the same. Fen decided on a Narwhal. I cutting out Beckett's pieces, then both kids glued their small pieces onto their main pieces.


After they had stale for a fleck, we got downwards to the business of printmaking. Now. Yous may call back the terrible experience we had with our last printmaking effort. I'thousand happy to report that this time was a huge success!

The kit besides comes with a brayer (you know how much I love brayers.) and two colors of ink. Your kid rolls out the first color of ink and rolls it out on the face up of the print- 2 or three layers are needed, as the tag board volition suck up some of the ink.


Side by side, they identify a bare piece of paper (included) over the print and brayer over the paper to brand the print. Flip over the paper, with the cut-out fastened. Curl the second color of ink all over the cutting-out and onto the paper. In the booklet they prove the 2d ink forming a halo effect around the print, but Fen went nuts and covered the whole background.


Then she made some other print.

printmaking with kids

So she made a monoprint by squirting more ink on the palette.


And so she mixed the ink and made another monoprint.


And then she glued her cut-out to paper.

narwhal print

This is what open up-ended art-making looks like, folks. Kids offset something, take fun, experience inspired, bask the process. Love it.

The 2nd project was actually simply as fun. It'southward a newspaper project based on the paper cuttings of the Mexican Otomi tribe. The deal here is to fold paper in half, draw something on one half, cutting through both halves, open it upwardly, and you lot have a symmetrical design.


Christian and I couldn't help just make our own of these, because symmetry is awesome. The cool thing about this projection is that they include a lite kraft paper in the tin can- later you cutting out your design, y'all crumple information technology and lightly iron some wax paper (included) over it. This gives your design the look of the crude amate paper used by the Otomi. One time they are mounted on some other slice of paper, they look fantastic.


What actually struck me near these art kits were that the materials inside were high quality, which is and then refreshing. The projects they've come up up with are imaginative- they cover a lot of different techniques with each of their cans, and each ane invites kids to explore on their own afterwards completing the initial project.

Bank check out the Center Can site for more cans; they offer 8 options, and they all look crawly- (I'grand dying to effort the book-making kit and the pastel stencil kits.)

Which would you similar to try? Why don't you go cheque out their site and allow me know which two y'all fancy. Yous may just win them!


Contest ends 2/12/2013. I was non compensated for this postal service, but I did receive 2 of these crawly art cans to cheque out, and yous can bet I'll be buying these for child birthday presents in the hereafter.
a Rafflecopter giveaway


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