Design for Poverty International Contest - Yanko Design


Borderline: October 10, 2008

Design for Poverty International Competition hosted past Yanko Design in collaboration with Web log Action Twenty-four hour period. Participation is open up to applicants from every country in the world; professionals, students, and design enthusiasts.

Global issues like poverty are extremely complex. There is no simple, clear answer. Past asking thousands of unlike people to requite their viewpoints and opinions, Blog Action Twenty-four hour period creates an extraordinarily lens through which to view these bug.

Yanko Design wants you to put on your thinking caps and apply pattern to address poverty. Perchance information technology'south clean drinking water. Perchance it's portable shelter. Poverty is a systemic problem. Pick an aspect of it and show how the power of pattern can bring unity and speak up for the hundreds of millions that can't. We've seen wonderful examples of this in the past; portable water bottle filters and lightweight shelter modules to name a few. What can you come up up with?

  • Entries must address poverty.
  • Entries must be submitted by individuals or teams.
  • Projects should non already be in production.
  • Previously published or exhibited projects are prohibited.
  • Sketches, renderings, and descriptions are required.
  • All submissions must be received past Oct 10, 2008.
  • 10 finalists will be appear to the world October, 15, 2008 on Blog Action 24-hour interval.
  • The judges will announce the winners on October twenty, 2008 here on Yanko Design.

Judging is private past select members of Yanko Design spanning many fields of blueprint. Submissions volition non exist made public until the unveiling of the superlative 10 finalists. Aureate, Silver, and Statuary awards will be given to the top iii. Boosted honorary awards will exist given to select entries.

The judges volition laurels designs and concepts which are innovative in terms of their formal / technological aspects addressing poverty. Both idea and presentation are key then no vague submissions please.

There will be prizes thanks to our sponsors simply will be kept surreptitious until the winners are appear.

By participating in the competition, all participants qualify Yanko Design and Web log Action Day to publish and exhibit all the designs including project data submitted – waiving compensation – at exhibitions and events and/or use them in any publication that the organizers may deem suitable. Yanko Pattern volition not pursue production of any design submitted.

The competition is only open up to humans, 18 years or older. Other than that, skies the limit.

Blog Action Day has a wonderful listing of general web resource regarding poverty that may help in your research and design process.

Just 1 entry per applicant regardless if you're an individual or squad.
All images must exist 72dpi, no larger than 800 px in width. Howdy-resolution assets will exist requested if piece of work is shortlisted.

Entry must include an explanation of idea no more than thou words saved equally a text or give-and-take document.

By submitting an entry, you lot are like-minded to contest guidelines: projects submitted to the competition, must be ORIGINAL works. Projects must be gratuitous from copyrights and any kind of obligation. The pattern shall not infringe on any 3rd party's right, including but not limited to copyright, logos, trademark, trade names, or other proprietary rights of publicity or privacy. It cannot have been previously published in any capacity or used in a prior contest. Yanko Blueprint has the correct to disqualify any entry found violating whatever of these terms.

Delight compress your entry into a zip file and email your entry to [email protected].


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