If Your Name Was Changed at Ellis Island Read Aloud

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 · 179 ratings  · 28 reviews
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Information technology is estimated that nearly ane out of every 2 Americans has a relative who passed through Ellis Island.

This history volume for younger readers presents a fairly detailed await at who and how millions of immigrants came to the U.S.A - from harrowing sea voyages to the await for clearances at Ellis Island.
Mentioned are just some of the things nosotros take for granted that were brought here past immigrants - symphony orchestras, bowling, ice skating, and Santa Claus.

Oct 29, 2010 rated it it was amazing
This question and respond formatted book covers all aspects of immigration during the turn of the century. It begins with who came and why the people left their homeland (willingly or non). It continues with what Ellis Island had in shop for the immigrants, and concludes with the important contributions immigrants made to club. A graphic organizer to help students outline the information would take a keen deal of data and streamline it to the most important to know.
Jan 27, 2015 rated it actually liked it
Read for CC3 wk#16. Good volume that gives you a lot of data about immigrants. Ben rated 4 stars, Karen 3 stars, Jacob two stars, and Ellie 1 star. The book was longer than the kids anticipated and wanted to movement on to something else merely nosotros stuck to it and finished. This volume was more than of a public school blazon textbook (which Ben and I are used to but the kids are not).
Apr 26, 2010 rated it liked it
Children'due south book. Expert overview of Ellis Island. I hope to visit there soon.
Khadija Bensaadoun
This book highlights the struggles that the immigrants from Europe dealt with as they came to the United states of america. This book tin can be used as social studies lesson on immigration. Grades ane-5.
Jan 13, 2017 rated it really liked information technology
What the book'southward about:
Ellen Levine's volume talks nigh what information technology was like for people who immigrated to the Us through Ellis Isle betwixt 1892 and 1914. Although the title implies that the volume talks by and large about what happened to immigrants who had their names changed at the border (whether past choice or past imposition), Levine actually covers much more than that. Levine breaks downwardly the process of immigration through Ellis Isle into one or two page chunks that comprehend bug like medical
What the book's about:
Ellen Levine's book talks about what it was similar for people who immigrated to the United States through Ellis Island between 1892 and 1914. Although the title implies that the book talks mostly near what happened to immigrants who had their names changed at the border (whether by option or by imposition), Levine actually covers much more than that. Levine breaks down the procedure of immigration through Ellis Island into 1 or 2 page chunks that cover problems like medical exams, literacy tests, what happened if/when people were detained, and the situations in which families were allowed to stay together or cleaved up.

Why The Nine-Year-Quondam thinks y'all'll similar information technology:
"The one-sentence stories virtually people who had their names changed and why are actually interesting. One guy inverse his proper noun from SomethingSomethingNelson* to only Nelson because he was afraid the longer version would be as well hard for Americans to say and so they wouldn't let him into America at all." (*I would like to notation for the record that in telling me this story The Nine-Year-Old said the man'due south real name, non SomethingSomethingNelson, but I didn't write the name down at the fourth dimension and now I tin can't recollect what that original name was.)

Rachel Driscoll
"If Your Name Was Inverse At Ellis Island" past Ellen Levine is i book in a series from Scholastic that is set in important times and places in history. The book is structured as a series of questions and answers that a student would typically have concerning the important historical site or event. In this volume well-nigh Ellis Island, some of the questions are, "Did all immigrants come through Ellis Isle?", "Why did people get out their homelands?", and "How long did y'all stay at Ellis Island?" to na "If Your Proper name Was Changed At Ellis Island" by Ellen Levine is one book in a serial from Scholastic that is set in of import times and places in history. The book is structured as a series of questions and answers that a educatee would typically have concerning the important historical site or event. In this book almost Ellis Island, some of the questions are, "Did all immigrants come through Ellis Island?", "Why did people get out their homelands?", and "How long did you stay at Ellis Isle?" to name just a few. The answers to the questions are very concise and easy to empathize. The drawings and artwork support the information on the pages.
The reading level of this series makes information technology a proficient choice for grades 3-half-dozen. This serial is a great resources for students researching many aspects of Social Studies. It could also exist useful as an introduction to text features often establish in not-fiction.
...more than
If Your Name Was Changed At Ellis Island is a greatly insightful book. This is an nonfiction/info text that describes what Ellis Isle was and what information technology was like for immigrants to get in when moving to America. The text has a lot of valuable information about Ellis Island for anyone of any age. The book talks well-nigh what it was like traveling to America, what it was like to go far at Ellis Isle, the kind of examinations people had to pass before being accustomed into America, what happened if you If Your Name Was Inverse At Ellis Isle is a profoundly insightful book. This is an nonfiction/info text that describes what Ellis Island was and what it was like for immigrants to arrive when moving to America. The text has a lot of valuable information about Ellis Island for anyone of any age. The book talks nearly what it was similar traveling to America, what it was similar to arrive at Ellis Island, the kind of examinations people had to pass before being accepted into America, what happened if you were sick or had no money, and even what happened after arriving. I would recommend to teachers to take this volume (or any of the books in this series) in their classroom library and to apply it in read-alouds. Information technology is a grades 2-5 involvement level, with an upper third grade reading level, but it would exist used as a research resource in the upper elementary and a read aloud in any form. ...more
April 01, 2019 rated it it was amazing
An splendid resources of factual data well-nigh Ellis Island and immigrants coming through in the late 1800s and early 1900s. An piece of cake read for eye and upper unproblematic grades, the writer explains all details of immigrants' journeys into America. Other American ports are mentioned every bit well. Reasons for the huge immigration into America during this fourth dimension-frame are explained. All the processes involved to come to America from overseas (such as getting to the foreign ports, the conditions of the An excellent resource of factual information about Ellis Island and immigrants coming through in the late 1800s and early 1900s. An piece of cake read for middle and upper elementary grades, the author explains all details of immigrants' journeys into America. Other American ports are mentioned besides. Reasons for the huge immigration into America during this fourth dimension-frame are explained. All the processes involved to come to America from overseas (such as getting to the foreign ports, the conditions of the ship ride, leaving loved ones behind, diseases checked for, etc.) are thoroughly described. I appreciated the facts at the finish of the book regarding the contributions the immigrants gave to our country. The author wrote this book in memory of her grandfather who passed through the Corking Hall of Ellis Island. ...more
Meghan Brigan
Mar xix, 2013 rated it really liked information technology
...If Your Name Was Changed at Ellis Island is written in the form of informative questions about Ellis Isle. There are pictures to help children learn almost the various unlike things that immigrants went through at Ellis Island. This volume is an informative volume. It should be read by children ten years or older. At that place is more than text than pictures. Children are frequently told of how their ancestors came over from other countries with this book they will be able to make connection with their ancest ...If Your Proper noun Was Changed at Ellis Island is written in the form of informative questions nigh Ellis Island. There are pictures to help children acquire about the diverse different things that immigrants went through at Ellis Island. This volume is an informative volume. Information technology should exist read past children ten years or older. In that location is more text than pictures. Children are frequently told of how their ancestors came over from other countries with this book they will be able to make connection with their ancestors and what they went through during clearing. ...more
Jun xi, 2014 rated it information technology was ok
As what it was aiming to be - a prettily illustrated overview of How Ellis Island Worked for a younger demographic - this was an fine book. I've already read a very nice overview of How Ellis Isle Worked, and information technology wasn't aiming at quite such a young audience. It was chosen "Island of Promise." I was honestly hoping this book would have more than than 2 pages of its space devoted to the subject in its title, that is, proper name-changes at Ellis Island. Oh, well. I guess near of my difficulty appreciating information technology Equally what it was aiming to be - a prettily illustrated overview of How Ellis Isle Worked for a younger demographic - this was an fine book. I've already read a very nice overview of How Ellis Isle Worked, and it wasn't aiming at quite such a immature audition. It was chosen "Isle of Hope." I was honestly hoping this book would have more than two pages of its space devoted to the subject in its title, that is, name-changes at Ellis Isle. Oh, well. I guess most of my difficulty affectionate it is just a matter of misplaced expectations. ...more
Etta Mcquade
Jun 22, 2016 rated information technology actually liked information technology
I had to read this book because my grandmother Anna Bucsko came through Ellis Island in 1899 from Austria-Republic of hungary, afterward Henclova, Slovakia, when she was 19 years of age. Her passage was paid for by her brother who lived in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. She later visited a brother in Wisconsin and met Joseph Gulan from Poland, who came to America via Baltimore, Maryland. They were married in 1900 and settled in the country of Washington. How I wish I had thought to enquire her about her coming to the Unit I had to read this book considering my grandmother Anna Bucsko came through Ellis Island in 1899 from Austro-hungarian empire, afterward Henclova, Slovakia, when she was 19 years of age. Her passage was paid for by her blood brother who lived in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. She afterward visited a brother in Wisconsin and met Joseph Gulan from Poland, who came to America via Baltimore, Maryland. They were married in 1900 and settled in the state of Washington. How I wish I had thought to ask her virtually her coming to the U.s.. She died when I was 11. ...more than
 Imani ♥ ☮
This is i of those books that I would spend hours reading, and re-reading. It was part of that "If you lived in..." serial and this was always my favorite. I don't know why because at the moment, I am having trouble recalling much more than the requirements of immigrants in one case they got to Ellis Island.

But, overall, I actually like this volume. It's a childhood favorite.

Mar 22, 2019 rated it it was amazing
Although everyone in America is an immigrant or a descendant of an immigrant, in that location have always been some people who want to proceed newcomers out. Others have welcomed them. This has been true for all of American history.
Jennifer Mallory
Describes, in question and reply format, the bully migration of immigrants to New York'southward Ellis Island, from the 1880s to 1914. Features quotes from children and adults who passed through the station.
Dec nineteen, 2018 rated it it was ok
An interesting view of clearing historically. I did acquire some things and institute some things inaccurate - discovered that at that place'southward an update to the edition I have, so I imagine that one is a bit better if yous're looking for a copy.
Jul 12, 2009 rated it liked it
This is a bully series, nosotros've read many of them. Breaks the history into question and respond format and takes a kid point of view on the details.
Oct 25, 2013 rated information technology it was amazing
Commencement Battle of the Books entry that I have read this yr. Very good. Lots of swell info. :) I tin visualize the scenery equally I read.
Kristen Luppino
Questions and answers well-nigh immigration. A thoughtful view. Title could have been better.
Abraham Ray
Nov 29, 2017 rated it it was amazing
Swell children's book about immigration and Ellis isle in particular!
Marie Ahlander
This book was pretty good. Information technology is about immigrants who laissez passer through Ellis Island. Information technology was a footling irksome simply a pretty good volume.
Jan 04, 2016 rated information technology really liked it
Good data on what the immigration process entailed before, during, and a chip afterward. Dainty volume to supplement immigration studies.
lola Franco
a little dry for kids, even for non-fiction. the name changing takes up only ane page.
Jul 09, 2009 rated it liked information technology
A squeamish summary of what happened at Ellis Isle. I recall I got more than out of this book because I have visited recently and went on the audio tour (thanks Mom and Dad).
Deborah Harris
AR Quiz No. 18481 EN Nonfiction
Accelerated Reader Quiz Information IL: LG - BL: 6.four - AR Pts: 1.0
Accelerated Reader Quiz Type Information AR Quiz Types: RP, VP
Sep 05, 2015 rated it it was ok
Clearly written and informative, but not terribly interesting. This is written for too immature a level for middle schools. With a earth of excellent non-fiction for teens, I wouldn't have chosen this one for Battle of the books.
Ellen Levine's books have won many awards and honors, including the Jane Addams Peace Award. Although she enjoys writing both fiction and nonfiction, most of Ellen'southward books for immature readers have been nonfiction. "Writing nonfiction lets me in backside the scenes of the story. I enjoy learning new things and meeting new people, even if they lived 200 years agone."

Ellen Levine was born in New York City

Ellen Levine's books take won many awards and honors, including the Jane Addams Peace Award. Although she enjoys writing both fiction and nonfiction, most of Ellen's books for young readers have been nonfiction. "Writing nonfiction lets me in behind the scenes of the story. I bask learning new things and meeting new people, fifty-fifty if they lived 200 years ago."

Ellen Levine was built-in in New York City. She received her B.A. degree in Politics from Brandeis University, graduating Magna cum laude. She has a Master's degree in political science from the University of Chicago and a Juris Doctor degree from New York University School of Law. She has worked in film and goggle box, taught adults and immigrant teenagers in special education and ESL programs, and served a law clerkship with Master Gauge Joseph Lord, U.S. District Court, Eastern Commune of Pennsylvania. A former staff attorney with a public interest police force grouping, Levine now devotes her time to writing, lecturing, and didactics. She is on the faculty of Vermont College's MFA plan in writing for Children and Immature Adults.

Ellen Levine divides her time between New York City and Salem, New York.


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Source: https://web.archive.org/20200528002702/https://web.archive.org/web/20200527233738/https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/22676.If_Your_Name_Was_Changed_At_Ellis_Island

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